• Italiano
  • English

Eugenio Carli

Fundamentals of International Law 2023-24


The course provides an overview of the tenets of Public International Law, proposing a basic understanding of its functioning rather than the examination of its institutions and areas.

The following topics will be addressed: a) Origin and basic features of international law; b) Subjects of international law; c) Sources of international law; d) International law and domestic legal systems; e) Violation of international law; f) International dispute settlement.


A.M. Tanzi, A Concise Introduction to International Law, Giappichelli, 2022 (2nd edition)except Chapter 7.

The study of the book is recommended for attending students and mandatory for non-attending ones.


The course is primarily addressed to those students who approach the study of international law for the first time, with the aim to provide them with the necessary knowledge in order to take advanced courses on related subjects and with a methodological and professional preparation suitable to enter the labour market.


Most of the course is organized according to a frontal teaching method, with the active participation of the students being required. The final part shall be devoted to presentations on readings provided during the course.


Students attending at least 75% of the lectures will be able to acquire formative credits by giving an oral presentation at the end of the course.

Non-attending students will have to pass a written or oral test after the end of the course.